We want to inform you about three important events taking place in next few months:
- 11/25/2017 - "BOB (Beatles Of Baltemore) rocks for Nepal", an event which took place already several times - this time in Bürgerhaus Hohengehren, 8 p.m.. The net income will be for our school.
- 09/23/17 Heidrun Speck and Jeschi Paul give a concert. The charity event in favor of our school will take place in Begegnungskirche, Esslingen, Urbanstrasse 45, begin: 8 p.m.. Tickets in advance cost 14€ (to be bought at Esslinger Zeitung), in the evening 16€.
"Ich weiss nicht, wie mir ist..." ( "I do not know how I should feel...") is the motto of the evening. The songs tell us stories about naughty women, girls in blue, wild women and sexy sirens, written mainly in the roaring twenties of last century by famous German authors like Friedrich Holländer and Kurt Tucholsky and some are from the fifties by Hugo Wiener. Have you seduced by female feelings and male nuts - an evening with a strong voice and masterly piano playing! - On 07/02/17 Urmila Chaudary from Nepal is honored with Theodor-Häcker-Preis awarded by the town of Esslingen for political courage and sincerness. The honour ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. in Neckar Forum. She will be presented for her engagement in liberating enslaved girls - the Kamilaris - and the struggle for their rights and their education. Thus she became a bearer of hope for these poor women. Our association will be present on the ceremony providing information about our work. The director of a film about Urmila ("Urmila - Der Weg in die Freiheit") will participate as well.
Read more about the film.
Pupils and principals of our Mahadevi-school give thanks to everybody who supports them. So does the board of our association. Stay in contact with us and keep on supporting us.
Detlef Gründel