While in Germany the Corona-numbers are decreasing & vaccinations are making progress, as in other rich countries, the situation in many countries of the so-called "Third World" is more than precarious. In addition to the health risks, the completely overburdened health systems, political & administrative incompetence & corruption, there are the worsening social problems.
That is why we, as a small association with a few dozen members, have helped several times since March 2020 with monetary donations. Our trusted local partners have bought food, gas, sanitary and medical supplies for everyday use and distributed them to the needy families known to them. These are mainly the families of the women who go to our schools & (an additional private contribution) the employees of a company that offers trekking tours & has not received any orders for almost 1 1/2 years.
Appeal for donations:
So help is still needed - every Euro counts!
Donation account: Verein Mahadevi e.V., IBAN: DE05 6025 0010 0015 0415 66 & BIC: SOLADES1WBN
Donation receipt: if you would like a receipt for the tax office, please note this in the subject of your transfer, including your postal address.
Review of aid to date:
As of the beginning of June 2021, we have helped with these amounts = Total: 27,653€ - thank you to everyone who has donated so far.
- Corona aid to the students of Mahadevi Schools & their families via Anupendra:
Nr | Date |
Amount in € |
1 | 14.04.2020 | 2,250 |
2 | 11.05.2020 | 2,250 |
3 | 27.07.2020 | 2,250 |
4 | 08.10.2020 | 2,250 |
5 | 01.02.2021 | 2,500 |
6 | 23.04.2021 | 2,500 |
7 | Summer | 2,500 |
8 | Autumn | 2,204 |
Sum | 18,704 |
- Corona aid to the guides & their families via Robin:
Nr | Date |
Amoun in € |
1 | 23.03.2020 | 1,476 |
2 | 08.04.2020 | 1,994 |
3 | 30.06.2020 | 1,495 |
4 | 28.07.2020 | 2.034 |
5 | 01.02.2021 | 950 |
6 | 28.09.2021 | 1,000 |
Sum | 8,949 |