The Mahadevi Women Education Center (M-WEC) was opened in Patan on Nov 23, 2008 – one year after our association was founded. The school rests on three pillars:

1.Literacy: with 6 women at the beginning, now about 30 students, aged between 16 and 84, attend the courses in a hired flat where they learn how to read and write and arithmetics. Mr Anupendra Acharya cares for the instruction and further training of teachers, whereas his wife Bina Acharya is in charge of organization.

2. Social togetherness: Friday acitivities every fortnight are an important element for the women. They deal with pedagogical , social and health topics, the women go on excursions, cook and celebrate together.

3. Sewing courses: since 2011 sewing courses are on the schedule, too, directed by a woman who once was a student herself.

Our school is not profit-oriented and open for all women interested. It is officially registered as educational institution.

The women are highly motivated but often do not get sufficient support from their families or cannot learn regularly because they must make their living and because of domestic commitment. So their aims and speed in learning are different.

We will develop the offered courses with due respect of the women’s needs and our financial resources:

In April 2018 Saraswati-School in Valche Gaun, a small and secluded village in the hills 60 km north-west of Kathmandu, has started.

Our 3rd school, the Laxmi-women's school in Nyuchet Goan, was inaugurated in March 2020.

In summer 2020, the Mahadevi Women's School moved to a new building in Nakhipot on the outskirts of Patan.

our banking account for donations
Verein Mahadevi e.V. IBAN: DE05 6025 0010 0015 0415 66 & BIC: SOLADES1WBN
Mahadevi e. V. is non-profitable. Donations can be offset against tax.
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