The idea of a second school for women was lingering for quite some time, and now it has been realized. Following our Mahadevi Project in Patan, in April 2018 the Saraswati Project started in Valche Gaun, a small mountain village 60 km northwest of Kathamandu, with reading-and-writing classes for women and empowerment in their daily life.

In this village our association supported the reconstruction of the abbey and the water system after the terrible earthquake. Last year we asked about the educational level of the local women, and immediately 50 women showed interest in reading and writing tuition. Through the help of Mr Robin Chamling – who was already reliable in managing the earthquake fond – we found a woman teacher willing to do the job. Contracts have been settled with her, Mr Chamling and the local chairman. Mrs Yamu Maya Tamang, 29, would teach on six days two hours each. As a precondition, the village provides for the location while our association finances the initial equipment, current material and the fees of the teacher. Mr Chamling is managing the fond and helping as a mediator.

On March 30 Mrs Tamang and Mr Aata Ghale, Chairman of Valche, celebrated the opening of the school and handed out the material to the students. Mr Chamling wrote on April 19:
Number of women are up to 43, but, all are not regular due to rain or their household chores. Regular are between 30 and 35, and, the women & teacher decided to have only one group but six days a week. They suggested the teacher that if they come only 3 days a week, they might forget what they have learnt. So, they prefer to have 6 days continues class in a week. As they are so eager to learn, our teacher is happy to run the class as they wish. So, it is only one group, but, 6 days a week with all the women.

Saraswati is the goddess of wisom and learning and the wife of Brahma.

We are thankful that with the help of our members and sponsors we are able to help women in a secluded region raise their educational level, and we are eager to observe how the project will develop.

our banking account for donations
Verein Mahadevi e.V. IBAN: DE05 6025 0010 0015 0415 66 & BIC: SOLADES1WBN
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